(July 1, 2015)
Call to Order
The 2015 Annual Meeting for the Lake Carlos Area Association was held on July 1, 2015, at Luther Crest Bible Camp. The meeting was called to order by Dave Holtz at 7:10 p.m. The LCAA Board members were introduced to the meeting:
Region 1:
- Dave Butler
- Al Grundei
- Janet Eisele
Region 2:
- Paul McCarten
- Stan Pickett
- Bill Verschaetse
Region 3:
- Derek Trosvig
- Dave Holtz
- Robb Steinbring
Douglas County Board member Bev Bales was also welcomed.
Secretary’s Report
Association Secretary Paul McCarten reviewed the 2014 Annual Meeting and reported that the LCAA Newsletter and dues notice had been mailed to all property owners on the lake. The newsletter included a new logo “brand” that will be used on all future publications to better identify LCAA. The newsletter format was also changed. Email correspondence and online dues payments are now the focus of the association. It is hoped that member correspondence by way of email will help better serve lake residents and members.
The newsletter includes many of the issues that were to be discussed at the annual meeting. All lake residents were encouraged to read and to share it with others.
Treasurer’s Report
Association Treasurer Derek Trosvig reviewed the finances of the association. He reported that the association remains in good financial position. Membership was noted to be at approximately 200 members (out of a total of 400 property owners, two bible camps and the state park on Lake Carlos).
Major expenditures were reviewed and included the recurring expenses for the Douglas County Lake Association (DCLA) membership, Viking Sportsmen Club support for walleye stocking, and contributions to environmental groups. There were also costs for newsletters and dues notices, and administration expenses. All were thanked for their membership. The report was approved as presented.
Board Activity Reports
- Walleye Stocking Report
Derek Trosvig discussed walleye stocking and the success of the program. In 2014, LCAA made its seventh annual contribution in this program that is coordinated by the Viking Sportsmen club and the DNR. Stocking has been successful and helps to maintain and replenish walleye fishing on Lake Carlos.
- Water Quality Testing
As reported by Board member Dave Butler in the newsletter, water clarity testing in May, 2015, confirmed clarity to 26 feet up from its normal depth of 14 feet. This was an extraordinary improvement over previous years. Other testing was also completed and sent to the state for analysis. All water quality testing reports are referenced and linked on the LCAA website, Lake Carlos is a part of the Sentinel Lake program being conducted by the state of Minnesota. Ten lakes in the state were chosen for this study.
- Zebra Mussels
Zebra Mussel status was also discussed. This invasive species is a water filtering creature that may be responsible for improved water clarity. It is unknown if there will be adverse impacts on the rest of the biosystem. LCAA is working with the DNR and others to monitor this situation.
Guest Speaker
Dave Rush, Director of the Douglas County Land and Resource Management Department addressed the meeting. He explained that his department is responsible for regulatory oversight of shore land rules, septic systems, feed lots, permitting and planning, and for the overall control of development in Douglas County.
AIS oversight: Douglas County and other counties in the state of Minnesota are designated to be responsible for monitoring and oversight of aquatic invasive species (AIS). Douglas County is putting together a long range plan to manage and prevent further AIS problems. Lake associations and property owners were encouraged to participate and report to the department all matters that may have bearing on this analysis and planning. The state of Minnesota is funding this AIS programming.
Property owners were also encouraged to keep an eye out for milfoil or other extraordinary weed growth. Clipping a sample and putting it into a plastic bag for analysis would be helpful. Samples can be dropped at the Department, located in the Douglas County Courthouse. If milfoil were to develop, immediate action would be taken to remove the plant from the lake. Milfoil has not been observed on Lake Carlos. Lake Le Homme Dieu has had a couple of areas of milfoil that have been removed.
Lakeshore Development: Dave explained that the county is responsible for any activity that goes on above the normal high water mark on a lake. Everyone is encouraged to call the county before projects are started so as to avoid issues. Ice heaving on lakeshore was bad following last winter. Because of lake freezing last winter with little early snowfall, the freeze and thaws made this a particularly bad spring with lots of damage. The DNR, responsible for in-lake management, is allowing lakeshore repairs to rebuild areas damaged by ice heaves. During the summer of 2015, shore land owners are allowed to repair damaged lakeshore without extensive shore land alteration permits that are otherwise required by the state. Land and Resource can explain by calling 762-3863.
Lake Shore Rentals: Rental of lakeshore residential property was also discussed. Rentals programs like vacation rentals by owner are popular. The neighbors are concerned that the residential homes will now become weekly resort rentals disturbing residential neighborhoods.
Dave explained that there is a debate within the county as to how to best deal with the matter. It is understandable that people living close to rental units are concerned. Pressure on residential lake fronts including driveways and parking, noise, fire-pits, dogs, jet skis, and partying may necessitate regulatory action.
The County is scheduling a late summer review to determine what action can and should be taken regarding this issue. A show of hands at the meeting suggested that all in attendance supported some type of regulatory oversight by the County.
Dave was thanked for his time and input. His remarks were very helpful and LCAA looks forward to working with the County on these matters.
- Cabin Rental Regulations
Al Grundei will be representing LCAA regarding licensing and regulation considerations for lakeshore property rentals. Everyone was encouraged to participate by giving their input as this process moves forward.
- Channel Dredging
Al Grundei reported that the channels are currently navigable. As water levels drop and channels become shallow the lake associations will engage to represent lakeshore property owners. Al explained that the Douglas County Highway Department controls bridges and channels. It is the only authorized authority to dredge channels. LCAA will work with the County as channel dredging becomes necessary.
- Tent Caterpillars (Worm Spraying)
Bill Verschaetse reported that 2015 saw almost no infestation on Lake Carlos. Thickly wooded areas in the vicinity of Luther Crest did report infestations and some areas were sprayed on a neighborhood basis. LCAA helps coordinate neighborhood spraying. Spraying is a responsibility and expense of property owners. LCAA will continue to monitor the need for worm spraying in the years to come.
- 4th of July Boat Parade
Bill Verschaetse also discussed the boat parade. This is a non-LCAA-sanctioned event but a popular one for people on Lake Carlos and the Chain. As reported in the newsletter, LCAA hopes that people will not throw water balloons in the lake, which activity causes pollution.
Reportedly, this year, a new group of lake residents are interested in coordinating the parade. The parade route will be from the Carlos/Darling Bridge to the Carlos/Le Homme Dieu Bridge. Everyone was encouraged to be safe and have fun.
- Lakeshore Development and Grants
Dave Holtz reported that grants were available through the Department of Soil and Water Conservation for environmental lake shore projects. Luther Crest was an example of grant use where several rain gardens had greatly reduced runoff into the lake. There are numerous options for these projects. LCAA encourages these grant projects.
- Douglas County Lake Association (DCLA)
Janet Eisele is the LCAA representative on the DCLA Board. She reported that DCLA is actively overseeing environmental protection of the lakes, most of which are upstream from Lake Carlos as they flow to the Long Prairie River on our north end. Janet also reported that the environmental umbrella group ‘Conservation Minnesota’ would be coming to Alexandria to meet with DCLA in July to share information with our area. LCAA supports Conservation Minnesota.
- Board Election – Zone 2
Dave Holtz reported that Region 2 (southern third of Lake Carlos) was up for election. Board members Paul McCarten, Bill Verschaetse, and Stan Pickett were all nominated to serve another term and elected.
New Business
LCAA was encouraged to move forward with its plan to use email for member communications.
The Echo Press newspaper ad announcing the annual meeting was appreciated by attendees.
The newsletter was a welcome addition that everyone looked forward to.
Luther Crest was thanked for hosting the meeting.
Door Prizes
Door prizes were drawn including gift certificates from Ace Hardware and Luther Crest.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10.
Paul McCarten, Board Secretary