Review of Annual Meeting July 2017



Call to Order

The 2017 annual meeting was held on July 27, 2017, at the Phoenix Event Center.  The meeting was called to order by Paul McCarten at 7:05 p.m.  Lake Association Board members were introduced.

Board of Directors:

Region 1:

  • Al Grundei
  • Dave Butler
  • Janet Eisele

Region 2:

  • Paul McCarten
  • Stan Pickett
  • Bill Verschaetse

Region 3:

  • Derek Trosvig
  • Dave Holtz
  • Robb Steinbring
  • Also in attendance and introduced was Douglas County Commissioner Jerry Rapp.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the 2016 annual meeting had been posted on the website and were accepted as presented.

It was reported that the LCAA newsletter had been published, including dues notice, and member sticker for all who had been members in 2016 or had renewed their membership in 2017.

The LCAA website ( was referenced as being kept up to date and changed on a regular basis.  All lake residents were encouraged to use the website for information on Lake Carlos.

Water Quality and Testing

Board member Dave Butler made an interesting presentation regarding water testing and the techniques used to track water quality in Lake Carlos.  Dave works with the MPCA to secure water samples.  The water is captured, stabilized, refrigerated, and dropped at a water testing center where it is then forwarded to the MPCA for analysis and recording.

Dave also explained the process of determining water clarity.  Water clarity has improved dramatically over the last few years.  This is thought to be related to the introduction of zebra mussels into the lake.

Dave also discussed Sentinel study testing for the MPCA.  Attendees were shown the apparatus used to study various environmental impacts on Lake Carlos.  The Sentinel study was initially started to analyze global warming impacts on the lake.  The study now includes the impact of zebra mussels on Lake Carlos.  Because of the Sentinel study started well before the arrival of this invasive species, test data is providing valuable information.  This test data will be analyzed and shared with LCAA as early as the fall of 2017.

Water Level Monitoring

Board member Al Grundei shared a graph of historic water levels over the last six years.  The lake’s current water level is a little over an inch above normal and about 6 inches above the early spring level.  Normally at this time of year the water level is declining, but this year the water levels have been rising because of mid-summer rains which are comparatively unusual.  This water level graph will be shared on the website and in the fall newsletter publication.

Guest Speaker Introduction

Al Grundei introduced Douglas County Land and Resource Management Director, Dave Rush.  Dave discussed an important issue that is now confronting the lake.  Lake cabin rentals have become more popular with the onset of VRBO (Vacation Rental By Owner) and other online marketing.  This has resulted in an increase in regular daily or weekly rentals of cabins in residential areas.  Up to this point, there have been no regulations for cabin rentals.  Dave has been asked by the County Board to work with a group of owners of rental property, realtors, and residents who have a rental cabin near them to recommend new county regulations to the Douglas County Board for review and approval.

Included in the proposed regulations were requirements for registration of cabins, landlords/owner confirmation, standardized guidelines; availability of responsible parties to manage renters; garbage and sewer guidelines and regulations; and other regulations that will make this new transition into weekly rental turnovers, more compatible with lakeshore residential owners.  (Note: On August 1st the recommendations were presented to the County Board and Mr. Rush was directed to move forward to work with other county departments and draft more specific language.)

Dave went on to discuss other issues of interest including, lakeshore development and permitting overseen by his department.

Douglas County Lake Association Report

Board member Janet Eisele oversees activities between LCAA and DCLA.  She keeps the Board informed and up to date regarding actions and participation between the organizations.  DCLA is the umbrella group representing all lake associations in Douglas County.

Treasurer’s Report

The Association Treasurer Derek Trosvig provided a report noting membership holding at 220 members over the past several years.  Association finances were in good shape.

Channel Dredging

Board member Bill Verschaetse discussed the Carlos/Le Homme Dieu channel dredging project.  He explained that buried sewer, gas, and electric and other utilities, provided challenges that were well-handled by Ferguson Brother who did the dredging.  The project took months for permitting and LCAA worked with the DNR and other state and federal agencies to complete the project.  Bill reported that working with Douglas County Public Works went smoothly and their assistance in controlling the project was well received.

Bill reported that Lakes Carlos, Le Homme Dieu, and Darling each contributed $4,500 to the project.  Lake Geneva contributed $2,000.  LCAA will now turn its attention to the Carlos/Darling channel which will need attention in the future.

Board Elections

Region 1 was up for elections.  Al Grundei, Dave Butler, and Janet Eisele were all nominated and elected to serve another term.

Other Lake Issues

  1. Tent Caterpillars were not a serious problem this year we were spared a serious infestation of tent caterpillars and no spraying had taken place with the exception of a few isolated areas.
  1. Zebra mussels were discussed and noted as being the topic of the Sentinel Lake Study being completed by MPCA.
  1. The Chain of Lakes Cooperation was noted as being helpful to all of the lakes and that LCAA looked forward to ongoing interaction with the other lakes on the Chain.
  1. The new membership sticker was discussed and well received.
  1. Walleye stocking did not take place in the spring. LCAA made the decision to focus on spring fingerling stocking and this year, the walleye run was not abundant and it was recommended that LCAA pass on stocking until the spring of 2018.
  1. Water balloons had become a problem over the 4th of July. LCAA will recommend action to be taken by regulators to discourage water balloons in the water.

Member Comments

LCAA was urged to monitor the activities of the University Of Minnesota.  They have a group studying ways to completely eradicate zebra mussels by working with gnomic studies.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.



Paul McCarten, Board Secretary

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